Group project over 6 months for Autoliv Sverige.
Evaluating a set of interaction points in level 4 autonomous cars and designing for optimal experience for both productivity and relaxation in said setting.
With the introduction of autonomous cars the way we look at transport may change drastically. Level 4 autonomous drive means the car is able to drive completely safe autonomously, yet at certain (for this project undefined) moments it may be driven 'regularly' and therefore still has a steering wheel and regular seating. This means the user is able to perform completely new tasks in a mostly familiar location.
Autoliv requested to investigate a set of four screens centered around the user, the preferred interaction with these screens and ergonomics in two defined seating positions. We then proposed a interior redesign to illustrate the findings. 
Three user tests were designed in order to test general behavior, desired functions and their placement, and specific seating positions and its ergonomics respectively. A stationary mock-up was built out of an old car in order to simulate an autonomous driving experience.
(Post-its always look good.) 
The user tests were processed through KJ analyses, which identified important behavior and served as input for creating following user tests.
Several ideation methods were implemented to solve for found problems and accommodate the user for optimal experience.
The results of the user tests were integrated into recommendations on user behavior, designing for their preferences on input devices and ergonomics of the seating positions and its effects. 
A concept interior was created in order to illustrate the findings and present an idea on how users could use a future interior of autonomous cars, which can be seen in the animation above. 
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